Thursday, December 1, 2011

Dear June,

Well, hmmmm. Guess who is waaaay more of a rascal than I thought?

You learned to crawl a few weeks ago and then a few days later you started pulling up. Then a day or so after that you started making a beeline toward things you could pull over on yourself. Your face is covered with scrapes and you fall over all the time. BRUISER!

You're going to give me a run for my money, child. Your Grandpa David totally predicted it, too. Before you were into anything rascally he said, "That girl's gonna give you a run for your money, Chels." I thought, "no...she's mellow and sweet." Well, you are sweet and mellow and RASCALLY! I never would have guessed.


An update wouldn't be an update without the requisite "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU'RE GROWING UP SO FAST" so here it is: I can't believe you're already 8 months! In 4 months you'll be 1 and that is NUTS. Even though you are rascally (hey, it runs in the family), you are still the sweetest, smiliest, snuggliest baby. I love sleeping with you - you're all snuggly and you coo and smell like sweet milky baby breath. I might die of little baby love. Seriously.

We are all having so much fun with you, love. Zoe likes to get right in your face and make these horrible, loud noises but you just laugh and laugh. When I ask Josie to keep an eye on you so I can do something, Jack is sad I didn't ask him. You're so lucky to have so many people who love you and we're so lucky that we get to have you in our family. It's win-win, I tell you. It's just all love, all the time.

Right now, as I write this, your Grandpa David is downstairs playing with you and you're trying to figure out how to climb up the stairs. Aye yay yay! Or however you spell that. Slow down!

I can't even begin to tell you how much I love you, bean. More than is expressible, for sure. One day you'll probably have your own babies and you'll understand. Maybe.


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