Monday, October 24, 2011

Dear Juniper Berry

Hey, kid.

I know I can't start out every single letter to you with "my, how time flies!" because, well, everyone knows that's stupid. And obvious. Obviously stupid. 

Still, I'm tempted. I can't believe you're already almost 7 months old. Right now you're at that perfect age where you sit on the floor and don't topple over and you can only really move in about a 2 ft. radius. Soon you'll be crawling - I can just tell by that rascally look in your eye - and then things will be ROWDY up in here. I remember feeling this way with your big sis; I want you to crawl because YOU WILL FREAKIN' LOVE IT and you'll finally be on your way to having all the fun the big kids are always having without you. On the other hand, geez, please just stay sitting there for a while. It's awesome.

You are off the charts cute, bean. I want to freak out sometimes when I look at your sweet little smiley face because GOOD GOD no one is that cute. No one! It's against the law.

 You love love love your big sister. Your face lights up when she walks into the room - it's AWESOME.

You do this growling thing that might just be my favorite baby noise EVER.  Check this out:

We have sort of started table foods with you - you've had banana, avocado, pears and sweet potato. You seem into it but you'd also happily gnaw on my shoe so I'm not so sure how you really feel about it all. 

I love you so much, kiddo. I could spend all day just smoochin' on your fat cheeks. I go to bed every night feeling so excited and lucky that I get to spend all day every day with you. 

Your mama loves you more than you'll ever know, my sweet little love. 


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